Will a Weight Loss Balloon Work for You? Answer Our 3 Questions.

Weight loss is difficult. You can lose a few pounds here or there with diets and exercise. But most likely you will constantly feel hungry and fall short of your weight loss goals.

The non-surgical placement of a weight loss balloon is a proven way to shed those pounds and stick to your new lifestyle long-term. We are excited to now offer this new procedure at NuBody Concepts. It has helped thousands around the world and could help you.

To know whether you’re a candidate, we have 3 questions for you. If your answer is “YES”to all three questions, you should call us to talk more about ORBERA®.

How to Know a Weight Balloon Will Work for You?

Question #1: Do you always feel hungry?

If you are constantly hungry, or if about an hour after a meal you could start snacking again, you could benefit from ORBERA.

ORBERA is unlike any diet. It actually slows down your stomach and digestive system, helping you feel full longer with smaller meals.

The way that this works is through the placement of a balloon in your stomach. This procedure is non-surgical. It can be completed in 20-30 minutes under IV sedation right in our office. Visit our ORBERA procedure page to learn more about how it works.

Say you ate this apple:

Typically, this apple stays in your stomach for about 20 minutes. With ORBERA, the apple stays in your stomach for 2 hours or longer. This helps you feel full longer, meaning you eat less and therefore lose weight.

Question #2: Do you need to lose 20-60 lbs?

This procedure fits between diets and surgical weight loss options. It’s much more effective than a diet, with most patients achieving 3x the weight loss of diet and exercise alone. But it’s much less invasive than gastric surgery.

Typically, ORBERA patients lose about 20-50 lbs over the 6 months of their ORBERA treatment. But this is just an average range. Some patients have lost over 70-80 lbs with the device.

If you need to lose MORE than 60-70 lbs, ORBERA might not be the best option. Surgery might be a better option for such cases, but please give us a call so we can determine if you’re a candidate.

Question #3: Are you ready to jumpstart your weight loss this summer?

ORBERA is a tool that can really help you lose a lot of weight in the first 2-3 months, but it does take a commitment. If you’d like to be feeling and looking great this summer, now is the perfect time to start.

woman on beach under umbrella

We want to help you learn to keep the weight off after the balloon is removed. Our team here at NuBody Concepts will support you for the 6 months you have the balloon and the 6 months after the balloon is removed.

We want our patients to get amazing results, so we will also connect you with a dietitian to follow you through the process. You can Facetime them from home or your office or message them when you need.

You will have all the support you need to get an amazing jumpstart on your weight loss.

If you answered, “YES” to these three questions, give us a call. We would like to tell you more about ORBERA and our practice. ORBERA is the #1 weight loss balloon globally with over 300,000 procedures, and the most effective weight loss balloon in the U.S.

Virtual ORBERA Consultations at NuBody Concepts

In addition to in-person consultations, we also offer virtual consultations with our gastric surgeon to anyone interested in the ORBERA weight loss system. Contact us today to start the conversation about weight loss with ORBERA!

Each patient is unique. What your treatment will look like is determined by you and the plastic surgeon who you will meet with in a personal consultation.