Skin Tightening – Face

Non-surgical facelifts using minimally-invasive skin tightening in Nashville and Memphis

Less-Invasive Face & Neck Lifts

FaceTite and Renuvion are minimally-invasive alternatives to facelift surgery, using radio-frequency energy to melt fat and tighten skin. This method can be used to treat double chins, jowls, and other areas of sagging skin without the need for surgical incisions.

FaceTite and Renuvion are available at our cosmetic surgery centers in Nashville and Memphis. They are performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 25 years of experience in cosmetic surgery of the face and body. Whether you are looking for a non-surgical or surgical face or neck lift, we encourage you to meet with our plastic surgeon to discuss your options.

Each patient is unique. Our plastic surgeon will meet with you in a consultation to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. You can have a so-called nonsurgical facelift using either non-invasive or minimally-invasive techniques to rejuvenate your face by improving the appearance of your facial skin. Depending on the method, these results can be temporary or long-lasting. Learn more about non-surgical facelift types.

Depending on how you define it, a non-surgical facelift can take on many different forms. You could opt for an injectable or dermal filler, which is an effective but temporary fix, needing repeat treatments every 3-9 months. Slightly longer-lasting results can be achieved with a non-invasive radio frequency or ultrasound treatment such as Exilis or Ultherapy to promote collagen production and tighten the skin. The next step up in terms of results and longevity (but one step below invasive surgery) is a minimally-invasive skin tightening procedure using radio frequency assisted lipolysis (RFAL) such as FaceTite or Renuvion. RFAL skin tightening is what we refer to as a non-surgical facelift in this section. Learn everything about facial rejuvenation options.


The biggest benefit of a non-surgical facelift is that you can achieve surgical-like results without the surgery. This means no large incisions, much reduced post-op swelling or any kind of discomfort, and a much faster recovery. And the results will look entirely natural. View non-surgical facelift results.

If you are looking for RF skin tightening for face in Nashville (i.e. a non-surgical facelift), please contact our Nashville Cosmetic Surgery Practice for a free consultation with our plastic surgeon. We also offer skin tightening for face in Memphis via our discounted travel package. To schedule a consultation for a non-surgical facelift in Memphis, please contact our Memphis Cosmetic Surgery Practice for a free consultation.

A surgical procedure will always yield better results than a non-surgical one, but technologies like FaceTite and Renuvion are the best procedures in the market today that can give you results close to surgery – without the scars and downtime. Both methods provide dramatic improvements in skin laxity on the face and neck. In the past, this could only be addressed with a surgical facelift to remove the excess skin. Using radio-frequency energy, also referred to as Radio Frequency Assisted Lipolysis (RFAL), FaceTite and Renuvion can melt fat and tighten the skin to get surgery-like results. Learn more about the pros and cons of RFAL skin tightening vs surgery.



FaceTite and Renuvion utilize the same technology (radio frequency assisted lipolysis) to coagulate tissues and tighten skin. The targeted heat is applied to the affected areas using thin wands inserted under the skin. The difference is that Renuvion supplements the RF energy with helium plasma, allowing it to heat tissues to 85 degrees Celsius in less than a second. FaceTite heats tissues to a slightly lower temperature resulting in a slightly longer procedure. However, this difference should not concern you and is mainly a matter of surgeon preference. Read more about the differences between BodyTite/FaceTite and Renuvion.

Renuvion and FaceTite both apply radio frequency energy to tissues under the skin to contract them and thus reduce sagging. They are combined with liposuction to first remove fat tissues before the skin is tightened. Ultherapy applies ultrasound technology externally to the surface of the skin to contour the face or neck. Unlike FaceTite or Renuvion, Ultherapy requires several repeat treatments to experience your desired results.

Any areas on the face and neck where there is saggy skin can be treated. Double chin and jowls are popular areas, but any area with deep lines and loose skin can benefit from it. many patients see a dramatic improvement in the definition of their jawline from RFAL skin tightening.  (Areas other than the face can be treated as well. Read more about minimally-invasive skin tightening.)

As a minimally-invasive procedure, a non-surgical facelift using RFAL skin tightening is administered under local anesthesia. However, some patients can further decrease their anxiety and discomfort by adding PRO-NOX Pain Management to their procedure. PRO-NOX is a patient-administered anxiety relief option using laughing gas that patients can add to all our minimally-invasive procedures. Learn more about PRO-NOX pain management.

FaceTite and Renuvion are minimally-invasive procedures. Patients can go home after the procedure and resume regular activities within 1-2 days because there is no wound healing as is typical for surgery. As with any facial procedure, the “social recovery” varies from patient to patient depending on swelling and bruising, so it’s best to allow for up to a week of limited activity.

Yes. A non-surgical facelift with a minimally-invasive procedure like RFAL skin tightening lets you resume daily activities and recover faster than surgery. Learn more about non-surgical facelift vs facelift surgery recovery.

Results can be seen immediately after either one of these non-surgical facelift procedures. But what’s different from facelift surgery is that your results will continue to improve over time as your skin produces more collagen and renews itself. You will see your best results after 6 weeks, but they will continue to improve over 6-9 months (Renuvion) or up to 12 months (FaceTite).

Both FaceTite and Renuvion are FDA-approved to last for at least one year. However, some patients have experienced satisfying skin tightening effects for up to five years – compared to the eight to ten years of longevity resulting from a surgical facelift. This does not mean that within one to five years you will return to your pre-procedure appearance, it just means that you may experience a gradual reduction in overall tissue tightness similar to the natural aging process. Having a good skin care regimen, wearing sunscreen daily, and not smoking may help improve the longevity of your results.

Skin Tightening – Face Testimonials