Cellulite Reduction

Non-invasive and minimally-invasive options for cellulite removal in Nashville & Memphis

Cellulite vs Skin Laxity

Cellulite is a widely-used term for lumpy & dimpled skin. Over years of helping patients who want a tighter look for their skin, we have found that most often the appearance of cellulite is caused by skin laxity due to aging or weight loss. This can be treated with non-invasive skin tightening, or minimally-invasive skin tightening combined with liposuction.

  1. Non-Invasive Skin Tightening: Ideal for patients with only minor skin sagging. Zero downtime. Administered by an aesthetician, applied to skin surface only. A total of 3 treatments is recommended for best results. Treatment type: Exilis (Nashville location), Morpheus (Memphis location).
  2. Minimally-Invasive Skin Tightening: Ideal for more pronounced skin laxity but below the threshold for tummy tuck surgery. Moderate downtime of 2-3 days. Administered by a plastic surgeon, applied under the skin with a thin wand. Treatment type: Renuvion Skin Tightening.

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Frequently Asked Questions

It’s not always easy to identify true cellulite – the lumpy, dimpled skin that affects mostly women on their thighs, hips, and buttocks. It is sometimes compared to the dimpled surface of an orange peel. If you think you have cellulite and would like to explore options for reduction, it is best to contact a plastic surgeon for an evaluation. NuBody Concepts offers cellulite reduction treatments in Nashville and Memphis, TN.

Cellulite often has genetic causes that determine our body type as well as skin texture and structure. Our skin is connected to the underlying tissues with fibrous bands, called septa. Over time – and sometimes accelerated by weight gain – these septa may pull the skin too tightly, resulting in dimples on the skin’s surface. Hormonal factors can also affect the development of cellulite. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly can help in reducing cellulite.

How to best treat your cellulite depends on its causes. Aveli is a promising new treatment that allows a surgeon to precisely target and release selected septa to smooth out an area of skin. This is an exciting new option for women affected by genetic cellulite.

A cellulite-like appearance of the skin can also be caused by skin laxity issues brought on by aging or weight loss. In that case, a skin tightening procedure such as Renuvion or BodyTite that directly targets and contracts the tissues under the skin may achieve the best results. Learn about skin tightening to treat the appearance of cellulite.

For most women, the biggest areas of complaint about cellulite are the upper thighs and buttocks. This is typically where you can see the biggest improvement in a reduction of the dimpled skin associated with cellulite. However, skin tightening treatments are not limited to the thighs and buttocks. If you have lax skin anywhere on your body, our plastic surgeon can treat and tighten it. View our before and after gallery for cellulite reduction.

Depending on which treatment your surgeon recommends, results can typically be seen 3-5 days after the procedure once the swelling has gone down. The best results can usually be achieved about 6 weeks after the procedure, but for some skin tightening treatments such as BodyTite and Renuvion results will continue to improve for up to 12 months.

It depends on how your surgeon has customized the procedure, such as how many depressions you are having treated and whether you are adding in liposuction, but in general you can expect 1-2 hours from start to finish. Non-invasive skin tightening treatments are shorter in duration but usually require a minimum of 3 treatments every 4-6 weeks for full effect.

For minimally-invasive procedures (Avéli, BodyTite, Renuvion) you should plan for about 3-5 days of recovery – again, depending on your procedure and surgeon post-op instructions. Patients can typically resume regular activities the next day as tolerated, but are advised to wait a week before resuming strenuous exercise. For non-invasive treatments (Exilis, Morpheus, ThermiSmooth) there will be no notable recovery period.

Cellulite is not an easy problem for plastic surgeons to tackle. The outcome often depends on your skin elasticity and amount of subcutaneous fat. Any treatment provides a reset point for your skin, meaning your skin looks younger and fresher after your procedure, but from then on the natural aging process continues. New weight gain could also speed up the emergence of new areas of dimpled skin as the newly building fat pushed up and strains the septa. But generally speaking, you do not need any repeat procedures after your treatment is complete.

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