
Minimally-invasive fat removal and body sculpting in Nashville & Memphis

Fat Removal & Body Sculpting with Liposuction

Liposuction is a time-tested method to remove fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. It’s a single, minimally-invasive procedure. Our boutique approach ensures the technology we apply is customized to fit your needs. It can target any area from neck to knees and front to back, which is why it is often called Lipo 360.

Liposuction is available at NuBody Concepts in Nashville and Memphis and performed in-house by a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 25 years of experience in plastic surgery. Many patients opt for our lipo & skin tightening combo for the best looking results. 

Start your body transformation with a free no-obligation consultation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Everyone may have slightly different goals for their liposuction procedure. After many years and thousands of procedures performed, we have put together a list of top reasons why you should consider liposuction.

Liposuction is one of the most effective ways to remove fat less-invasively than surgery (i.e. tummy tuck). There are many different types of liposuction technologies as well as branded terms to thoroughly confuse you. Our plastic surgeon will customize the procedure for you to achieve the best outcomes – typically by combining tumescent liposuction with RFAL skin tightening. Learn all about which type of liposuction you should get.

If you are looking for liposuction in Nashville, please contact our Nashville Cosmetic Surgery Practice for a free consultation with our plastic surgeon. We also offer liposuction in Memphis via our discounted travel package. To schedule a consultation for liposuction in Memphis, please contact our Memphis Cosmetic Surgery Practice for a free consultation.

While liposuction is an excellent way to remove belly fat, it works better in some candidates than in others. It depends on your skin elasticity, the amount of fat and excess skin, your goals for your results, and your recovery. Read more about best belly fat removal methods.

We offer radio frequency assisted lipolysis (RFAL) to supplement your liposuction procedure for additional skin tightening results. Also known as BodyTite and Renuvion, this procedure uses radio frequency energy to contract tissues and thus tighten the skin. It is an add-on to our liposuction that can achieve up to 35%- 45% contraction. Read all about radio frequency assisted liposuction.

Lipo 360 refers to the area a patient would like to have treated. If you’d like to have your entire abdomen treated from front to back and all the way around, you’re basically wanting to have Lipo 360. Some cosmetic surgery practices offer this at a special price point, while others charge per area on a decreasing scale, with the option of combining any areas desired. Learn all about Lipo 360.

No. “Airsculpt” is just another name for liposuction. It is a marketing term to make the procedure seem less invasive than liposuction. But this is not the case. A cannula is used to get under the skin for AirSculpt the same way as during other forms of liposuction and a certain amount of bruising and swelling is unavoidable. AirSculpt also claims success with skin contraction, but plastic surgeons generally do not see these claims borne out. Read more about Radio Frequency Assisted Lipolysis (RFAL), the skin tightening technology we use at NuBody Concepts to enhance liposuction results.

No. Similar to the term “Lipo 360,” TriSculpt is a marketing term and not a technology in and of itself. It was trademarked by a provider for their combination of local anesthesia, power-assisted liposuction, and micro laser liposuction in one procedure. Another name often used for laser liposuction is SmartLipo. At NuBody Concepts, we prefer to combine liposuction with much more advanced RFAL technologies like BodyTite and Renuvion for results vastly superior to the now outdated laser liposuction.

Yes. This is called fat transfer. At NuBody Concepts we use it to transfer fat to the breast to better contour and shape them and to smooth out irregularities. Fat transfer is an add-on to liposuction that is billed separately. Please view our pricing page for the pricing of add-ons.

Good liposuction candidates are near their target weight but have pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. They are in generally good health and have a BMI of 30 or under. This list of question and answers will help you determine if you’re a good candidate for liposuction.

Liposuction is not a weight loss program. The goal is to remove fat cells, not to lose weight, and candidates should be within 30 lbs of their target weight. Liposuction results are best measured in a waistline or pant size reduction. If you are interested in weight loss, learn about the Orbera Gastric Balloon.

CoolSculpting freezes the fat cells so that your body can subsequently flush them out naturally. It’s a non-invasive procedure that requires several repeat treatments to be effective. Liposuction, by contrast, is a one-time procedure that eliminates the fat all at once. Compared to fat removal with CoolSculpting, liposuction achieves much more visible results. Learn all about Liposuction vs CoolSculpting.

Liposuction requires the insertion of a tiny cannula under your skin, through which a water/saline solution is flushed through the tissue to break down the fat cells. To insert this cannula, your plastic surgeon makes several incisions in your skin. These incisions are very small and generally do not require sutures (though some surgeons may place a stitch as needed). They typically do not leave any permanent scars.

The movement of the cannula under your skin can cause slight discomfort. Depending on your needs and preference, pain relief can be provided anywhere from light to heavy sedation, or no sedation at all. We also offer the patient-administered PRO-NOX pain management system as an optional add-on to liposuction procedures.

We generally advise patients to wait 1-2 weeks before resuming strenuous exercise. However, you’ll be able to return to your day-to-day activities as tolerated 1-2 days after the procedure. Learn all about liposuction recovery.

Bruising and swelling are typical side effect of liposuction. How much of it you experience in the days after your procedure depends on your body. Our customized procedure typically causes only minor bruising and swelling, because the use of water instead of physical force keeps any disruption of tissue to a minimum. Learn all about the side effects and risks of liposuction.

Surprisingly, many patients find this easier than it seems. While the promise of a slimmer figure is often not enough motivation to try to achieve it with diet and exercise, the reality of a slimmer figure that you can admire every day is a powerful motivator. Nevertheless, we have some tips for you. Read our tips on how to keep the weight off after liposuction.

No. Your liposuction at NuBody Concepts is done while you are awake and comfortable. Any discomfort will be alleviated with local anesthesia and IV sedation as needed. Your recovery is typically fast, allowing you to resume most day to day activities after 24 hours.

Yes. Liposuction does not interfere with your future ability to have children. Also, the fat that is removed with liposuction will not come back to the treated area(s) even if you become pregnant.

Anyone with a BMI under 40 is considered a good candidate for cosmetic surgery, provided they are in good general health, non-smokers, and have realistic expectations. If your BMI is under 30, you can expect good outcomes from liposuction or liposuction combined with skin tightening. Learn more about using your BMI to guide you towards the right cosmetic surgery.

There are two key differences:

a) Men and women often have different types of fat. Men tend to more often have so-called visceral fat, which lies under the muscle and cannot be removed with liposuction. Which type of fat you have is easily determined by the plastic surgeon in your personal consultation.

b) Liposuction is an excellent procedure for male breast reductions, especially when radio frequency assisted liposuction is added on. You may not need a surgical reduction with a longer recovery if your fat can be removed and your skin tightened with liposuction. Again, what works best for you is easily determined in a personal consultation.

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