Affordable Cosmetic Surgery Isn’t Out of Reach: Top Tips for Budgeting, Financing, and More

Are you considering cosmetic surgery but are worried about the cost? You’re not alone. Many people dream of enhancing their appearance but are concerned about the price tag that often accompanies it. At NuBody Concepts, we provide expert care from board-certified plastic surgeons at transparent and fair prices. We ensure you are aware of the full cost before beginning treatment. In this article, we’ll help you determine the estimated amount of your plastic surgery and share ways to budget for and finance your surgery. Cosmetic surgery can help you redefine your next chapter, so don’t wait to start. 

Cosmetic Surgery Is an Investment

When considering the cost of cosmetic surgery, viewing it as an investment in yourself is vital. Beyond the initial financial outlay, cosmetic surgery offers long-term returns by boosting self-confidence, improving your quality of life, enhancing emotional well-being, providing lasting results, potentially benefiting your career, and even saving on recurring non-surgical treatments. With NuBody Concepts, you’re making a wise investment in your physical and emotional well-being, backed by transparent pricing and experienced plastic surgeons who are board-certified through the American Board of Plastic Surgery, ensuring that your decision yields lasting satisfaction. 

Expected Costs of Plastic Surgery at NuBody Concepts

Let’s clear up some misconceptions about cosmetic surgery costs and expectations. While it’s true that some procedures can be expensive, not all of them come with a hefty price tag. The cost of cosmetic surgery varies depending on the type of procedure, the surgeon’s experience, and the geographical location of the clinic. Based in Tennessee, NuBody Concepts offers competitive pricing with transparent communication. After your initial consultation, you can review your care package and see the final price, including all surgeon fees and facility costs. You will never be surprised with a new charge during your post-op recovery. Here are some of our standard facial rejuvenation procedures and their starting costs.

Traditional Facelift

A traditional facelift is a comprehensive procedure designed to target multiple facial and neck aging signs. The process involves tightening underlying muscles, removing excess skin, and repositioning facial tissues. At Tennessee-based cosmetic skin and surgery center NuBody Concepts, the surgery typically lasts around 2 hours, with prices starting at $9,500. Patients receive a local anesthetic and IV sedation on the day of the procedure to ensure maximum comfort and a speedy recovery. The initial wound healing period takes approximately 3 to 5 days, while the “social recovery” time, including swelling and bruising, varies from patient to patient. 

Eyelid Surgery

Also known as an eye lift, this procedure addresses issues such as puffiness and drooping eyelids. This procedure can target the upper and lower eyelids and can even alleviate functional problems caused by aging. Eyelid surgery cost starts at $4,500, and patients generally require a physical recovery period of 1 to 2 days. 

Non-Surgical Facelifts (FaceTite and Renuvion)

We offer non-surgical facelifts for individuals seeking less invasive alternatives utilizing advanced technologies like FaceTite and Renuvion. These treatments use radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis (RFAL) to melt fat and tighten the skin, effectively reducing sagging around the face and neck without surgical incisions. FaceTite and Renuvion procedure costs start at $4,900, providing a safe and effective alternative to traditional facelifts. Due to the non-surgical nature of these procedures, patients can resume their day-to-day activities within 1 to 2 days.

Injectables and Fillers

Injectables and dermal fillers are FDA-approved medicines injected into the face for temporary rejuvenation. They effectively smooth wrinkles and lines, providing a more youthful appearance. Injectables start at $12 per unit, making our prices highly competitive in Nashville and Memphis. Depending on the treatment area and desired results, the cost for injectable treatments typically ranges from $120 to $600, with effects lasting up to 9 months. At NuBody Concepts, all our injectables are administered by experienced plastic surgeons or certified nurse injectors. The results from injections are visible around 3 to 5 days post-treatment, while dermal fillers provide immediate results. 

Setting a Realistic Cosmetic Surgery Budget

The first step toward your cosmetic surgery is setting a realistic budget. Start by researching the average cost of cosmetic surgery in your area and identifying the specific procedure you’re interested in. Using the above amounts and our transparent pricing estimates on our site, begin to budget with your end goal in mind. 

It’s also important to note that budgeting for cosmetic surgery is not just about saving up for the procedure. It’s equally important to consider the long-term financial aspects, including post-surgery care, time off from work, and any future potential touch-up procedures. 

Exploring Financing Options at NuBody Concepts

If you’re wondering how people afford plastic surgery, don’t forget about financing as an option. Financing options are available if paying for your cosmetic procedure upfront is not feasible. Many patients finance their surgeries through medical loans, credit cards, or payment plans. At NuBody Concepts, we work with reputable financing partners to provide flexible payment solutions that fit your budget. When exploring financing options, comparing interest rates, terms, and repayment plans is crucial. Look for options that offer competitive rates and manageable monthly payments. Read more about financing options at NuBody Concepts. 

Choosing the Right Surgeon: The Importance of Research

Selecting the right surgeon is one of the most critical decisions on your cosmetic surgery journey. It’s not just about the cost; it’s about the quality of care and the results you’ll achieve. At NuBody Concepts, our board-certified plastic surgeons have extensive experience and a track record of delivering exceptional outcomes.

Choosing a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon can significantly improve your overall satisfaction with the procedure. Unfortunately, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons notes that government regulations do not legally restrict medical providers from identifying themselves as aesthetic, cosmetic, or plastic surgeons, regardless of their qualifications. That’s why It’s essential to prioritize board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. 

At NuBody Concepts, our primary focus is on cosmetic surgery procedures, and we ensure the safety and premium care of our patients by exclusively employing board-certified plastic surgeons. Our plastic surgeons, Dr. Mark Peters in Memphis and Dr. John Rosdeutscher in Nashville, hold certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. This certification reflects their extensive training and understanding of human anatomy, including the precise knowledge of nerve and blood vessel locations, assuring you of the highest level of expertise and care during your procedure. A skilled surgeon can minimize the risk of complications and the need for costly revisions. Research and consultations are your tools to make informed choices that lead to cost-effective, long-lasting results.

Accessible cosmetic surgery is within your reach. NuBody Concepts guides you on your journey to a more confident you. We are committed to helping you achieve your cosmetic goals without breaking the bank. Our transparent pricing, expert care, and board-certified plastic surgeons ensure you receive the best possible results. Take the first step towards a new you by scheduling a consultation with us today. Don’t forget to explore our before and after photos to see the incredible transformations we’ve helped our patients achieve. Your dream of affordable cosmetic surgery is closer than you think, and we’re here to make it a reality.

Each patient is unique. What your treatment will look like is determined by you and the plastic surgeon who you will meet with in a personal consultation.