
Stay informed about the latest cosmetic surgery trends

How to Get a Tummy Tuck Covered by Insurance

A tummy tuck is the most effective way to remove fat and extra skin from your abdomen – whether you’ve recently lost a lot of weight, had a baby, or just want a flatter stomach. However, insurance companies view tummy tucks as elective surgeries that are not medically necessary, and therefore almost never cover them. Read more to learn about interest-free financing for your tummy tuck.… Read more

Your Belly Button After a Tummy Tuck

Most patients considering a tummy tuck may not have heard about a “designer belly button.” The belly button may very well be the last thing that comes to your mind when there is so much else to love about a tummy tuck and its amazing results. And yet belly button design and reconstruction is an important part of an abdominoplasty – perhaps THE most important part, according to many plastic surgeons. Learn all you need to know about belly button design.… Read more

Is Liposuction Right for Me?

Liposuction has been around forever as a popular cosmetic surgery procedure for fat removal. But how can you tell if it’s right for you? Our plastic surgery teams have performed over 7,000 liposuction procedures in Tennessee over the last decade. In this article we answer several questions about liposuction to help you determine if it is the right procedure for you.… Read more

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