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BodyTite skin tightening is like a tummy tuck without surgery

Like a Tummy Tuck, Without Surgery!

A tummy tuck is an effective surgical procedure to remove excess skin and slim down your waistline, especially after substantial weight loss or post pregnancy. But what if you don’t want surgery? Is there a way to a flatter tummy without incisions or scars? The answer is yes. Read all about tummy tuck without surgery.

Choosing the Right Breast Implant Size

Breast augmentations are among the most popular plastic surgeries in the United States. Once you have decided whether you want saline or silicone implants, it’s time to pick your implant size. But what’s right for you? There is more to consider than cup size. Read all about choosing the right breast implant.

Weight loss balloon frequently asked questions

What To Know About Weight-Loss Balloons

Weight-loss balloons are much more effective than diet and exercise alone, allowing you to lose 30-50 lbs or more without the disadvantages of more invasive gastric surgery. But how do they work? We answer all your questions about the Orbera Balloon. Read all about how gastric balloons work.

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Plastic Surgery Trends

Pulse Check: How Are Plastic Surgery Trends for 2024 Panning Out?

We are already three months into 2024, so it’s time to review what’s new in the cosmetic scene this year and share how we are keeping up with the constantly evolving world of plastic surgery. At NuBody Concepts, we offer plastic surgery in Nashville and Memphis for our clients from all over the region. We pride ourselves on staying on top of the latest trends and leading the way in understanding and catering to the needs and desires of individuals seeking aesthetic enhancements.

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Feminine Rejuvenation

Tackling the Taboo: Breaking the Stigma Surrounding Feminine Rejuvenation

Feminine rejuvenation is a vital aspect of women’s health that is sometimes ignored due to the cultural stigma surrounding the subject. Unfortunately, many women are unsure about how rejuvenation can improve vaginal dryness, address decreased sensitivity, and correct occasional mild incontinence for women.

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