A common myth about liposuction is that it helps you lose weight. In fact, liposuction is not a weight loss program and has been shown to have no long-term impact on a patient’s weight. But if it doesn’t help you lose weight – is liposuction worth it?
At NuBody Concepts Cosmetic Surgery in Nashville and Memphis our plastic surgeons have had years of experience discussing body contouring goals with patients. Below we list several common reasons why liposuction was worth it for them – and it can be for you!
But first, see what our patient and Nashville singer Abby Kasch has to say about her liposuction at NuBody Concepts:
Is Liposuction Worth the Money?
Do Patients Think Liposuction is Worth It?
According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the world, with 1.5 million procedures performed in 2020 (only slightly behind breast augmentation).
In addition, 89% of members of the plastic surgery review site Realself rate liposuction as “worth it.” They cite that they have more confidence, feel younger, and like that their clothes fit better than before. Many also say it has helped them develop a healthier lifestyle and increased their fitness.
Let’s explore where some of these patients were coming from.
Reason #1 Why Liposuction Is Worth It:
Liposuction Works When Dieting and Exercise No Longer Do
We’re not saying there isn’t a place for dieting and exercise. They are important tools to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But there comes a point where diet and exercise reach their limits. Genetics may play a role in how and where your fat is distributed. It may be nearly impossible to get rid of that belly fat that’s bothering you, no matter how healthy a lifestyle you lead.
Many people, when reaching this point, are tempted to throw in the towel. Why make it so hard on yourself and deny yourself pleasure when none of it seems to have any effect? This is an interesting phenomenon we’ve observed in virtually all our patients: Once the slimmer contours are achieved, it is much easier to get motivated to keep them that way. Liposuction can be a great way to start the healthier lifestyle that will prevent you from ever needing liposuction again in the future!
Reason #2 Why Liposuction Is Worth It:
Liposuction Works for Patients Who Are Happy With Weight But Not Shape
Most of us don’t mind a little extra padding as long as it’s in the right places. But thicker waists are unlikely to ever rise up in the fashion charts, and unfortunately the belly and flanks are exactly where most of our extra fat seems to stick around.
The good news is that with today’s advanced liposuction methods, a plastic surgeon can slim and contour very defined areas, even if they’re small. Belly pouch, bra bulges, muffin tops, love handles, saddle bags, arm or chin flab – liposuction accurately targets virtually any area of your body, even the smallest areas of fat that you might have given up on.

Reason #3 Why Liposuction Is Worth It:
Liposuction Helps Women Reclaim Their Body After Having a Baby
Babies are the spark of our lives, even when they grow up to become teenagers. But unfortunately they also do things to our bodies we wouldn’t forgive anyone else. It can happen right after the first child, or it may take several children to show its effects, but it happens to almost all women. Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding change the shape of our bodies.
The good news: You don’t have to wait until you’re done having children – liposuction can be done at any stage in your life! At some point in time, you’ll wake up and realize that you’re tired of carrying around that baby weight years after giving birth. This is when you’ll want to take a serious look at liposuction to reshape your body. Some women choose to combine liposuction with a tummy tuck and breast augmentation for a complete Mommy Makeover. But if your skin hasn’t lost too much elasticity, liposuction combined with skin tightening may be all that’s needed to achieve a non-surgical tummy tuck.
Reason #4 Why Liposuction Is Worth It:
Liposuction Can Improve Your Self-Confidence
Maybe you haven’t given birth or gained weight. Maybe you’ve been struggling with a problem area (like your tummy, chin, or thighs) for years and are tired of covering them up. Maybe it’s just time for a new look, an improved version of yourself, to give you the confidence you’ve never had. You think it shouldn’t matter and that confidence is something deep inside you no matter what you look like, but the evidence says otherwise. When we look into the mirror and like what we see, we automatically feel better.
Tweaking your body just a little closer to a pleasing shape, and then accentuating it with clothes you were never able to wear, will make you into a new person.
Anyone who has had liposuction will tell you a similar story to what NuBody Concepts patient Angela has to say about regaining lost confidence with liposuction:
Reason #5 Why Liposuction Is Worth It:
Liposuction Helps You Get Back into Your Old Jeans
We all have them hanging in the closet somewhere: those jeans we last wore in our early twenties. They are washed out, they have holes in them, but they invoke that certain nostalgia no new pair of jeans can ever replace. You haven’t worn them in over a decade, a lifetime and three children ago, but wouldn’t it be ever so cool to wear your special jeans again?
As we said earlier, liposuction is not a weight loss program. But what it does do really well is slim down your waistline. Many patients go down several pant sizes as early as just a few weeks after their procedure.
Reason #6 Why Liposuction Is Worth It:
There is Very Little Reason NOT To Have Liposuction
One of the most compelling reasons to have liposuction is that the downside is so minimal. Most of or patients tell us afterwards that had they known how easy it was, they would have had it years ago!
Here is why there are few downsides to liposuction:
- Liposuction is minimally-invasive, not surgical. There is no need for general anesthesia and water-based tumescent liposuction is fairly gentle on the body, resulting in minimal trauma to the area’s surrounding tissues.
- Recovery from liposuction is fast. The average recovery time for liposuction is just 1-2 days, meaning you can have liposuction on a Friday and return to work on Monday. The only thing you’re advised to put on pause for 1-2 weeks is heavy, strenuous exercise.
- You can see the results right away, and they will continue to improve. As opposed to other fat-reduction treatments such as CoolSculpting, you will not have to wait months for your results to emerge. You will walk out of your doctor’s office with the fat gone and it will show right away, with the best results expected after about 6 weeks.
- You are one and done. No repeat treatments, with the fat cells permanently removed.
- Compared to other plastic surgery, liposuction is very affordable. See our pricing page for current pricing, and find out how you can use 12-month zero-interest financing to accommodate your budget.
We hope we have given you a good idea if liposuction may be worth it for you. We would love to have you meet with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons to help you determine if you’re a good candidate. At NuBody Concepts, we make it our personal mission to walk you through each step of the process to make your journey as effortless and comfortable as possible. Please contact us if you have any questions!