How to Overcome the Fear of Going Under Anesthesia

At NuBody Concepts, we understand that the fear of anesthesia is a common concern among individuals considering cosmetic surgery. Whether it’s the thought of losing control, the fear of not waking up, or simply the unknown, anesthesia anxiety can be overwhelming. But here’s the good news: overcoming this fear is possible, and we’re here to help.

Our Tennessee-based cosmetic surgery center has successfully supported hundreds of patients in establishing a safe and compassionate treatment environment. Here, we’ll discuss anesthesia and its role in cosmetic surgery. Our caring and experienced team collaborates with each patient to alleviate fears and surpass expectations. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our Nashville and Memphis offices today to explore your cosmetic surgery options and gain confidence in enhancing yourself this year!

Understanding the Different Types of Anesthesia

To better understand ways to alleviate the fear of anesthesia, let’s first explore the different types of anesthesia available. There are generally three categories to consider:

  1. Local Anesthesia: This type of anesthesia numbs a specific body area. Patients remain awake and fully aware but won’t feel any pain in the treated area. It is commonly used for minor procedures, and at NuBody Concepts, it is often combined with other forms of sedation for certain cosmetic treatments.
  2. Intravenous (IV) Sedation: Also known as twilight anesthesia, IV sedation is a mild form of anesthesia that relaxes patients while keeping them conscious. It may induce drowsiness or even sleep, but patients can easily wake up if necessary. IV sedation is popular at NuBody Concepts because it offers a balance of comfort and control.
  3. General Anesthesia: This type renders patients completely unconscious and is typically reserved for more invasive procedures. While safe and effective, we don’t use general anesthesia at NuBody Concepts. We’ve found that IV sedation and/or a local anesthetic can do the trick and allow for a faster recovery for our patients.

Why We Prefer IV Sedation and Local Anesthesia

At NuBody Concepts, we prioritize your comfort and safety. That’s why we often recommend IV sedation or local anesthesia for our cosmetic procedures. These options reduce the risks associated with general anesthesia and offer a quicker recovery time, allowing you to return to your daily activities sooner.

IV sedation is particularly beneficial because it provides a deep level of relaxation without needing a breathing tube or an extended recovery period. You’ll feel at ease throughout the procedure, and most patients report little to no memory of the surgery itself. This makes it an ideal choice for those who are nervous about going “under” or who wonder, “Can you go under anesthesia if you have anxiety?”

Local anesthesia, on the other hand, is perfect for patients who prefer to remain fully aware during their procedure. By numbing only the targeted area, local anesthesia minimizes the medication needed and allows you to stay in control. This option is especially appealing to those with anesthesia anxiety who may fear the idea of being unconscious.

What Can I Expect?

One common question at NuBody Concepts is, “How long does anesthesia last?” The length of anesthesia depends on the type used. For IV sedation, the effects typically wear off within a few hours. However, you may feel groggy for the remainder of the day. Local anesthesia usually lasts longer in the treated area, sometimes up to several hours after the procedure, which helps to minimize postoperative pain.

Our team will provide detailed instructions on managing any lingering effects of anesthesia to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery.

Tips for Overcoming the Fear of Anesthesia

Wondering how to get over the fear of anesthesia? This is a common concern for many men and women, and you’re not alone. At NuBody Concepts, we have developed effective strategies to help you feel more at ease:

  1. Educate Yourself: Understanding the anesthesia process can significantly reduce fear. Our experienced staff is always available to explain the procedure and what you can expect from the anesthesia. The more you know, the less anxious you’ll feel.
  2. Communicate Your Concerns: Share your fears with us. Our team is trained to address anesthesia anxiety and can customize your anesthesia plan to your comfort level. We’re here to listen and provide reassurance.
  3. Practice Relaxation Techniques: Techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, and meditation can effectively manage anxiety. Consider practicing these methods in the days before your surgery to help calm your nerves.
  4. Trust Your Medical Team: Our board-certified plastic surgeons and anesthetists have extensive experience administering anesthesia safely. Trusting in their expertise can help ease your mind and allow you to focus on the positive outcomes of your procedure.

PRO-NOX at NuBody Concepts 

At NuBody Concepts, we ensure individuals experience a positive and supportive environment when undergoing cosmetic procedures. That’s why we are proud to offer the innovative PRO-NOX system, aimed at effectively reducing anxiety and worry during these treatments.

PRO-NOX is a patient-controlled pain management system that utilizes nitrous oxide and oxygen. This empowers individuals to manage their discomfort and anxiety during cosmetic procedures. This proactive approach promotes extreme relaxation, contributing to a more constructive and reassuring experience for our patients.

Integrating PRO-NOX into our practice provides a calm environment for individuals seeking cosmetic treatments at NuBody Concepts. Speak with your plastic surgeon about adding this to your cosmetic procedure. 

Why Choose NuBody Concepts for Your Cosmetic Surgery?

Choosing a cosmetic surgery provider requires prioritizing comfort, safety, and overall experience. At NuBody Concepts in Nashville and Memphis, we focus on guiding you through any concerns about anesthesia and ensuring a smooth, successful procedure.

You’ll encounter a dedicated, empathetic team committed to your well-being when you step into our facility. We’ll take the time to understand your concerns, explore your options, and tailor a plan that caters to your needs. Whether considering body contouring, facial rejuvenation, or non-invasive cosmetic enhancements, rest assured that you’re in capable hands.

Embrace Cosmetic Procedures With Confidence

When you’re ready to take the next step, schedule a consultation with our caring team. Take a look at our before and after photos and read some of the testimonials from previous patients. Let us help you overcome the fear of anesthesia and achieve the beautiful results you’ve always hoped for.

Each patient is unique. What your treatment will look like is determined by you and the plastic surgeon who you will meet with in a personal consultation.